New Paper: Pathological Detection in EEG with Transfer Learning

🚀 Exciting News Alert! 🚀

📢 TL;DR: Train, transfer, and fine-tune a pathology classifier in your browser or check out the demo!

🔍 Our recent paper “Amplifying pathological detection in EEG signalling pathways through cross-dataset transfer learning” has been published in Computers in Biology and Medicine, boasting an impressive impact factor of 7.7, cite score of 9.2 and an acceptance rate of just 13%!

👏 Thanks to Binder, you can now explore the code right in your browser using Jupyter Notebooks, or experience our demo on Hugging Face spaces. We know reproducing results in biomedical engineering and neuroscience is hard due to data and code unavailability, but we have made it as easy as MNIST classification.

💬 Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues. We’re here to help!

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